Your enrolment details

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The Kent & Medway Recovery and Wellbeing College's Student Agreement is in place to promote equality, safety and respect within the college. The following statements are what we ask of our students with the understanding that you agree to follow them when you enrol with us.

  • I will treat all students and staff with kindness, dignity and respect and I will not discriminate against nor harass others at any time.
  • I will respect others' rights to have their own opinions and beliefs.
  • I understand that, should the Recovery College have concerns about my safety and/or welfare, my information will be shared with the appropriate agencies.
  • I will respect the property of others.
  • I will raise any concerns I have about my safety or the safety of others.
  • I will be punctual when attending courses, and I will inform the college, if I am unable to attend.
  • I will take responsibility for my own learning by attending the courses and workshops and by taking full advantage of the resources available to me.
  • The first session of all courses is mandatory.
  • I will be appropriately dressed for a learning environment.
  • I will take an active part in my own learning.
  • I will communicate the information that is needed to complete my enrolment and encourage my on-going learning and wellbeing.
  • I will not use or bring alcohol or illicit substances whilst on college premises or attending courses.
  • I will not bring weapons or dangerous objects of any kind to the college.
  • I am aware that if I breach this Student Agreement, college staff will discuss this with me and try to find a way forward.
  • I am aware that serious breaches may result in me being asked to leave the session, course and premises.



  • Provide you with a safe and welcoming learning environment, in which everyone is treated with respect and is free from discrimination.
  • Give you the opportunity to develop a personalised learning plan which responds to any disability or learning need which you have informed us of before the start of the course.
  • Ensure that courses are led by suitably trained facilitators and promote hope, opportunity and control.
  • Address any complaints and concerns confidentially and professionally.


  • Inform us at enrolment of any disability or learning need that you would like support with.
  • Honestly and actively take part in your own learning and use the resources made available to you.
  • Bear in mind that the college exists as a place of learning and does not replace either therapy or treatment
  • Recognise the individual rights of all members of the college and treat everyone with respect and dignity
  • Treat college venues and their facilities with care and adhere to their local policies and procedures
  • Make every effort to attend the courses you have enrolled on
  • Agree and abide by the Student Agreement
Yes No

By signing this form I agree to the terms of the NHS Recovery College privacy notices and agree for my information to be used for the purposes stated above.

The KMPT Recovery College privacy notice can be found on their website.